Monday, January 7, 2013

Bounty Hunter Rampage

Rampage for Bounty Hunter is easy if you know the trick.

As BH says "A prudent hunter knows when to strike", you must know when to take down an enemy. For instance if you just used windwalk and you saw an enemy you want to take down, if you think you can kill him with a strike and a toss without getting yourself killed then you should go for it but if no or there's a little bit of hesitation then you should wait for your windwalk to cooldown before trying to collect the bounty.

Skill build should focus on toss, 1 level on jinada , 2 level on windwalk then focus on jinada. Of course you should get track as soon as you can.

Core item build should be 'phase boots', 'battle fury' , 'deso'. This should be enough to kill most heroes a jinada toss combo.

Dont forget to track first before killing your enemies, this should help you get your core items fast.

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